Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Short Survey

Please take a moment to complete our communication survey on Your participation will take less than five minutes and would be greatly appreciated.

All participants who respond by August 16th will be entered in a drawing for a free day of day care!

Go to the survey

Thursday, July 16, 2009

In case of an emergency...

Boarding your dog overnight can be a stressful experience. At Camp Bow Wow Pittsburgh South, we do everything in our power to make sure your companion has a seamless visit, but sometimes incidents occur that are beyond our control. When a dog becomes ill or injured during his stay at Camp, our counselors can often treat the problem with over-the-counter remedies, restricted feedings, or other simple first-aid procedures. However, despite the precautions we take to keep our campers safe, occasionally a situation arises when we believe a dog would be better served under the care of a medical professional. In these instances, our preferred course of action is to get in touch with the emergency contact listed on your client file and ask that person to transport your dog to the appropriate veterinary facility. If need be, the emergency contact may be required to care for and house your dog for the remainder of his planned boarding stay. That being said, it is extremely important to list a reliable and easy-to-reach emergency contact (or two!) on your camper’s file. Be sure to make arrangements with these individuals before your dog’s boarding stay and make them aware of the responsibilities that will be asked of them if your dog is in need of emergency care.

99% of the time, our campers’ boarding stays go off without a hitch. Nevertheless, in the slim chance that something does go wrong, we cannot stress enough the importance of choosing an appropriate emergency contact. If you would like to update the emergency contact on your dog’s file, please contact us at Camp at 412-885-2267.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

More Dog Humor

A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead.

He remembered dying and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.

When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as
he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side.

When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?'

'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered. 'Wow! Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked.
Of course, sir.. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up.' The man gestured, and the gate began to open.

'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog, 'come in, too?' the traveler asked.

'I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets.

The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog.

After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence.

As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.

'Excuse me!' he called to the man. 'Do you have any water?'
'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in.'

'How about my friend here?' the traveler gestured to the dog.

'There should be a bowl by the pump.'
They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it.

The traveler filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog.

When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree.
'What do you call this place?' the traveler asked.

'This is Heaven,' he answered..
'Well, that's confusing,' the traveler said. 'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.'

'Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell.'

'Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?'

'No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.'

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Champ's Film Debut

Monday, July 6, 2009

A Day in the Life of Champ

Champ is our foster dog at Camp Bow Wow, and if you haven't heard about him yet, you may just be living under a rock. We have fostered Champ for around five months now, and it's about time he finds a forever home. To give you a better idea of what a sweet boy Champ is, we took some videos of him in the play yard and did a little photo shoot. Take a look!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Camper of the Month

The Camper of the Month for June is Jonathan, a Border Collie mix. At 14 and a half years old, Jonathan is no spring chicken, but you wouldn't know it from the way he plays during his stays at Camp. We first met Jonathan in February of 2008 when he boarded with us, and he has graced us with his presence quite a few times since then. He was an instant hit among the staff, especially Cathy, who says of him, "Jonathan is such a lovable guy, I wish I could hug him and never let go!"

Whether he is romping in the play yards or taking a rest break in his cabin, Jonathan is a pleasure to be around. He is a sweet old soul, and we are proud to have him as the Camper of the Month!